Before You Go...

Grab the 38 emails every course creator & coach need to build a successful business.

Dramatically increase your
course, coaching program or membership sales
with 38 proven fill in the blank email templates!

The List Builders Toolkit includes 38 complete emails to build your digital course, coaching program or membership business using sales psychology that creates trust and authentic relationships that lead to conversions!

Secure Checkout. 7-Day Money-Back-Guarantee

But you don't want to:

If you want to:

If you've heard the money is in the list...

but you aren’t a world class copy writer…

and you don’t want to hire one…

and thought of consistently writing emails that create relationship, build trust and actually lead to sales and happy customers just feels impossible…

Then this is for you.


Secure Checkout. 7-Day Money-Back-Guarantee

The Email Planner

Mapping your prospects journey is fundamental to setting up effective email sequences. The email planner takes you through the process of understanding your dream clients pain points, remembering relevant stories from your life experience, and  developing the ideas to answer your clients biggest questions so that you can actually engage your list with relevancy, authenticity and connection.

Welcome Sequence

You may never get a second change to make that first impression. Use this welcome sequence to introduce yourself in way that makes your new subscriber feel welcome, connected to you and excited for what is to come. A great welcome sequence leads to higher open rates later.

Lead Nurture Sequence

You can’t expect to build a loyal customer base by sending only one email. This nurture sequence not only engages your new prospects, but it gives you opportunities to tell your own relevant stories but to send valuable educational content that leads into your upcoming promotions perfectly.  

Challenge Launch Sequence

You did it! You’ve got your offer all pulled together and your ready to host a lucrative challenge….but there are oh so many emails to write and send. It’s a lot but this fill in the blank email sequence does the heavy lifting to ensure your participants are excited about what you have to share and actually show up and participate in your challenge.

Paid Workshop Sequence

Emails to promote your paid workshop, to engage your participants all the way through the workshop and then to open your cart and sell your offer!

Sales Sequence

Creating the perfect email sequence to announce a new product, course or coaching program in a way that truly connects with your dream clients in a way that actually leads to sells is an art form. We know you don’t want to sound salesly, or worse pushy! This customizable sequence helps you share the why and story behind your offer in an authentic way while answering all the questions your prospects might have so they feel comfortable about taking that next step.

Abandon Cart Sequence

So your dream clients gave you their email but then got distracted before they could actually enter their payment information. So close! But don’t be discouraged… its not over yet! This email sequence will help you re-engage potential buyers who considered purchasing your digital product. If you don’t have an abandoned cart sequence set up…you are leaving money on the table!

Consumption Sequence

You’ve got your product out into the world and sales coming in! The hardwork is done right? Wrong! Happy customers are only created when your new clients actually consume your course, program or membership and this email sequence will help them stay in motion, use your product and get the results you promised so that they stick around for more.





The secret to writing truly engaging emails that not only get opened but build trust that leads to your audience taking action is to tell stories! Use these 57 story prompts to get started sending emails full of your own personality that leads to connection and relationship with your list.




Don’t overlook your subject lines! According to data, the subject line alone accounts for 47% of opened emails. You can have a great email body, but if nobody ever clicks into your email, what’s the point? Use this bank of 64 different fill in the blank subject lines to find the best fit for your emails.

How amazing would it feel to finally...

Be able to plan out every email you want to send over the next 3 months in one afternoon!

Design email campaigns and promotions that your subscribers are actually excited to get, open and read and then take action on!

Know that you aren’t leaving money on the table with a full email strategy and high converting templates.

Hey friend! We are Bonnie & Dustin

Over the last few years we’ve had the great privilege working with over 4,000 entrepreneurs just like you.


One thing we hear really often from people is that they appreciate how real we are. This online space can feel big and impersonal. Often times people tell us that we just feel like friends. And I guess that is what we want you to know about us. We are just real people working on real strategies that really work.

Last year we spent most of the year traveling with out kiddos. The only reason we could do this is because of efficient streamlined methods and tools like these ones we share in this toolkit.

We can't wait to help you do the same!



The truth is we could easily charge $300 or $400 for this email bundle. It’s loaded with battle tested email sequences that you can easily take and make your own.

But we also know that maybe you’ve been burned by bad courses and products that should have been free. Or you don’t know us and trust us yet. Or you don’t have tons of money to try this new strategy out.

So we’re going to make The List Builder's Tookit


Instead of its regular price of $297, we’re going to practically give it to you

for just $27.

But this price won’t last long so grab it while you can.

Here is what others have had to say about our toolkits:

Frequently Asked Questions

I completely understand! In this workshop I break it all down for you so that you can feel good about serving your audience and inviting them to take the next step with you….which means selling! I know you can do it.

No worries! That is what I’m here for. Helping entrepreneurs like you launch their business is seriously one of my most favorite things to do! I offer several different ways that we can work together. I specialize in strategy, coaching and consulting … and I have an AMAZING team that can get all kinds of things done FOR you. Reach out by email [email protected] or simply connect with me inside the member area. (Yes I actually give you direct access to me inside my $7 product!).

You will receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership area which includes all three on demand workshop sessions with information about how to unlock the bonuses.

You don’t know me yet… so I want to make it really easy for you to get to know me with an INSANE amount of value. My hope is that you get some REAL results REAL quick and stick around for more. 😉

I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 7 days of purchase. No worries. BUT, I will also tell you that I’m obsessed with bringing the best product to market that I can – have a suggestion? Let me customize the product for YOUR NEEDS. I make it REALLY easy for you top get in touch with me…and I hope you do.

Just to Recap...

A step by step plan to design, create and complete your high converting and truly personal emails in an afternoon.

5 emails to give your brand new subscribers a warm and personal welcome so they are excited for what is to come.

5 emails to engage your new prospects with stories and educational content that lead up to your promotions.

11 emails to promote your challenge, to engage your participants all the way through and then to open your cart and sell your offer!

4 emails to promote your workshop, encourage your participants to consume and complete it and authentically sell your offer.

4 customizable emails to help you share the why and story behind your offer in an authentic way while answering all the questions your prospects might have so they feel comfortable about taking that next step.

5 emails to help you re-engage potential buyers who considered purchasing your digital product. If you don’t have an abandoned cart sequence set up…you are leaving money on the table!
4 emails to ensure your new clients stay in motion, use your product and get the results you promised so that they stick around for more.

Use these story prompts to infuse your emails with personality and relatable moments that build connection.

64 subject  line starters to ensure your emails never go unopened again. 

Total Value = $2,470

Today’s Price = $197 Just $27